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This set of Communication Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Communication Engineering Set 7

Q1 | In an M-ary signalling scheme two or more bits are grouped together to form a                
Q2 | M-ary signalling techniques are not sensitive to timing jitters.
Q3 | M-ary modulation schemes have very good power efficiency.
Q4 | What is the radius of the circle in M-ary PSK on which message points are equaly spaced?
Q5 | As the value of M                    the bandwidth efficiency                  
Q6 | The power efficiency of the M ary PSK decreases because of the            
Q7 | In QAM, the amplitude is                and phase is                
Q8 | M-ary QAM signal have constant energy per symbol.
Q9 | In comparison to M-ary PSK, M-ary QAM bandwidth efficiency is            and power efficiency is                  
Q10 | The bandwidth efficiency of an M-ary FSK signal                  with                  in M.
Q11 | Power efficiency of M-ary FSK increases, since                    
Q12 | The method in which the tail of one pulse smears into adjacent symbol interval is called as
Q13 | If each pulse of the sequence to be detected is in            shape, the pulse can be detected without ISI.
Q14 | What is symbol rate packing?
Q15 | A nyquist pulse is the one which can be represented by            shaped pulse multiplied by another time function.
Q16 | Examples of nyquist filters are
Q17 | The minimum nyquist bandwidth for the rectangular spectrum in raised cosine filter is
Q18 | Roll off factor is the fraction of
Q19 | A pulse shaping filter should satisfy two requirements. They are
Q20 | Examples of double side band signals are
Q21 | ISI is                  by increasing channel bandwidth.
Q22 | Why is pulse shaping technique used?
Q23 | Raised cosine filter does not satisfy Nyquist criteria.
Q24 | As the roll off factor in raised cosine rolloff filter                      the occupied bandwidth
Q25 | Gaussian pulse shaping filter follows Nyquist criterion.