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This set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Software Engineering Set 16

Q1 | Behavioral models is
Q2 | In Bottom-up integration
Q3 | In Broadcast models
Q4 | Bottom-up testing
Q5 | In Call-return control model
Q6 | Capacity is
Q7 | CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) is
Q8 | CASE Tools
Q9 | CASE Workbench
Q10 | Centralized control models
Q11 | Change-oriented identification
Q12 | Hard real time systems are
Q13 | Classification model
Q14 | Clean room software development
Q15 | COCOMO cost model
Q16 | Client server architecture
Q17 | Commonality
Q18 | Transforming of logic and data from designspecifications (design descriptions) into a programming language
Q19 | An inter change of information between computer systems and peoples or between people.
Q20 | Extent to which a system or component makes efficient use of its data storage space- occupies a small volume.
Q21 | Entity-relation model is
Q22 | Ability of two or more systems or components to perform their required functions while sharing the same hardware or software environment
Q23 | Completeness in software system is referred as
Q24 | Composition model is
Q25 | Match the following : A-Control metrics : B- Process metrics: C- Control: D-Correctness: 1- They are associated with software process. 2- They are associated with software products. 3- Protective measure that reduces system vulnerability. 4- Extent to which a system or component is free from faults in its specification, design, and implementation