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This set of Surveying Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Surveying Set 16

Q1 | The point on which the instrument is set up, is called station point
Q2 | The bearing observed with a surveyor's compass is
Q3 | A French cross-staff has a magnetic compass at the top.
Q4 | The method of levelling in which the heights of mountains are found by observing the temperature at which water boils is known as
Q5 | When the length of chain used in measuring distance is shorter than the standard length, the error in measured distance will be compensating error.
Q6 | A plain scale is used to read
Q7 | The surveying used to determine additional details such as boundaries of fields, is called
Q8 | The area of any irregular figure can be calculated accurately with the help of a planimeter.
Q9 | The shift of a curve is
Q10 | The method of measuring distance by pacing is chiefly used in
Q11 | In locating the details of an object whose direct measurement is not possible due to some obstruction, the method used is
Q12 | The collimation method for obtaining the reduced levels of points does not provide a check on
Q13 | In a whole circle bearing system, S 25? 15' E corresponds to
Q14 | The representative fraction of the scale is the ratio of the distance on the map or drawing to the corresponding distance on the ground
Q15 | The deflection angle for any chord is equal to the deflection angle for the proceeding chord minus the tangential angle for that chord.
Q16 | It is required to find the difference in elevation between two points A and B. During levelling, it is found that the staff reading at B is more than the staff reading at A. It indicates that the point A is
Q17 | The obstacle, which obstructs chaining but not vision, is a
Q18 | When 1 cm on a map represents 10 m on the ground, the representative fraction of the scale is
Q19 | The angle between the reflecting surfaces of a prism square is
Q20 | The vertical distance above or below the datum is called
Q21 | For setting out an offset at an angle of 45?,
Q22 | When the effect of curvature is taken into account in levelling, the true staff reading is obtained by
Q23 | In the surveying telescope, diaphragm is held
Q24 | A base line in a chain survey
Q25 | The method of surveying used for dtermining the relative height of points on the surface of the earth is called