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This set of Management information system Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Management Information System Set 6

Q1 | Data encryption concept is used for ______________ purposes.
Q2 | The ______________ is monitors the activities of the computer system
Q3 | EDI stands for:
Q4 | Accounting, finance, marketing, and human resources are known as
Q5 | Relational calculus is a
Q6 | SDLC stands for?
Q7 | A combination of a MIS and DSS called ______________ which helps top managers make decisions.
Q8 | The most creative and challenging phase of system life cycle is
Q9 | The most important feature of spiral model is
Q10 | Which of these items is a major component of today's IT infrastructure?
Q11 | ______________ converts ciphertext back into plaintext.
Q12 | A computer security protocol for logging in would be an example of the component of an informationsystem:
Q13 | Relational calculus is a
Q14 | The view of total database content is
Q15 | DML is provided for
Q16 | ODBC stands for
Q17 | Architecture of the database can be viewed as
Q18 | The database schema is written in
Q19 | In the architecture of a database system external level is the
Q20 | In a Hierarchical level model records are organized as
Q21 | The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred to as the
Q22 | The DBMS language component which can be embedded in a program is
Q23 | Which one of the following statement is false?
Q24 | An advantage of the database management approach is
Q25 | A DBMS query language is designed to