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This set of Personality Psychology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Personality Psychology Set 1

Q1 | What name did Freud give to his model of the mind which comprised the Id, Ego andSuperego?
Q2 | According to Freud, Displacement, Sublimation and Projection are all types of what?
Q3 | Freud ascribed to the notion of psychic deterministm, which had an important influenceon his theories of personality and approach to therapy. To what does this term refer?
Q4 | Which of the following is a technique Freud used in therapy?
Q5 | According to Freud, what was the consequence of the physical inability of women toovercome penis envy and the reason their personality would never fully develop?
Q6 | Which of the following is not one of the psychosocial stages of development proposed byErikson?
Q7 | What aspect of the family did Adler believe may play a significant role in personalitydevelopment?
Q8 | Id is to "Just do it" as superego is to
Q9 | The unconscious contains
Q10 | Behavioral theories of personality are often criticized for their
Q11 | The concept of traits is used to account for personal characteristics that are
Q12 | The five-factor model of personality includes
Q13 | A personality theory is a(n)
Q14 | Which of the following is an unconscious personality structure made up of biologicalurges seeking fulfillment?
Q15 | Criticisms of Freud's developmental theory have centered on
Q16 | One problem psychologists have with personality types is they
Q17 | Freud believed that personality was typified by
Q18 | To understand personality, trait theorists attempt to
Q19 | According to Freud, the energy from life instincts that drives personality is called the
Q20 | According to Freud, the id is governed by the
Q21 | Learning theorists
Q22 | In the Freudian view of personality, which system is totally unconscious and dominatedby biological instincts?
Q23 | According to Freud, the ego is governed by the
Q24 | The five-factor model of personality includes
Q25 | According to Jung, art, religion, myths, and drama are important to individual functioning because they