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This set of Basic Psychology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Basic Psychology Set 2

Q1 | Disorder involving the inability to fall asleep or to maintain sleep at once it isattained is called __________________
Q2 | Cognitive events, often vivid but disconnected that occur during sleep are ____________
Q3 | Our ability to pay attention to only some aspects of the world around us whilelargely ignoring others is called___________
Q4 | The feeling that we can almost, but not quite, remember some information wewish to retrieve from memory is _________________
Q5 | The finding that the first and the last items in a series are more likely to berecalled than are intervening items is called_____________________
Q6 | The tendency to think of wing objects only as they have been used in the pastis __________
Q7 | A theory of omissions suggesting that emotion provoking eventssimultaneously produce subjective reactions and physiological arousal is ________________
Q8 | The triarchic theory of intelligence is given by _______________
Q9 | Consideration of what is practical and possible in gratifying instinctive needscharacteristic of the ego is called__________________
Q10 | Improved retention after an interval is called_______________
Q11 | The process requiring time during which memory trace becomes more resistantto extinction is _________________
Q12 | In Maslow’s hierarchy of motives, the most highly evolved motive is ____________
Q13 | The ability to reproduce unusually sharp and detailed imagery of somethingthat has been previously seen is called_________________
Q14 | A mental category for classifying specific people, object, or experiences is a(n) _____________
Q15 | The term Intelligent Quotient (IQ) was first introduced by_________________
Q16 | Freud believed that the Oedipal conflict took place during the ___________________
Q17 | The intelligence model consists of _______________ dimensions.
Q18 | Who proposed that “feeling of inferiority” is control to human behavior?
Q19 | Classifying people on the basis of body build is an example of __________approach to personality.
Q20 | _______________ tests attempt to measure general mental abilities, rather thanaccumulated knowledge or aptitude for a specific subject or area.
Q21 | During World War 1 _________ test was developed which was administeredorally to those who could not read, later adapted for civilian use.
Q22 | _______________ defined intelligence as the global capacity to think rationally,act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment.
Q23 | If a test consistently produces similar scores on different occasions, it is said to be _______________.
Q24 | If a test measures what it is supposed to measure, it is said to be ____________.
Q25 | Lewis Terman’s approach to measuring and defining intelligence as a single,overall IQ score was in the tradition of British psychologist ________________.