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This set of Mobile Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Mobile Computing Set 3

Q1 | In DUST , is there refresh buffer
Q2 | The electron beam in DUST is designed to draw directly to
Q3 | The second grid in DUST is called
Q4 | To increase the energy of these slow moving electron and create a bright picture in DUST , the screen is maintained at a
Q5 | A major disadvantage of DUST in interactive computer graphics is
Q6 | Interactive graphics is useful in
Q7 | The origin of computer graphics was developed in
Q8 | The term business graphics came into use in late
Q9 | Computer graphics is used in many DTP software as
Q10 | Any CRT based display must be refreshing at least_______ times a second
Q11 | The standardization is needed
Q12 | GKS stands for
Q13 | GKS was developed by the
Q14 | The resolution of raster scan display is
Q15 | Random scan systems are designed for
Q16 | Solid pattern in random scan display is ____ to fill
Q17 | Raster scan is _______ expensive than random scan
Q18 | Two basic technique for producing color display with a CRT are
Q19 | In beam penetration method of color CRT, two layer of phosphor coated are
Q20 | In beam penetration method of color CRT, which layer is red and which is green
Q21 | A shadow mask CRT has _____ phosphor color dots at each pixel position
Q22 | Which color is produced with the green and red dots only
Q23 | Which colors produced with the blue and red dots
Q24 | Cyan color is produced when the blue and green are activated
Q25 | Which technique of color CRT is used for production of realistic image