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This set of Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Computer Fundamentals Set 31

Q1 | What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
Q2 | Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?
Q3 | Which of the following code used in present day computing was developed by IBM Corporation?
Q4 | When was the transistors invented?
Q5 | In the third Generation of computers
Q6 | Most important advantage of an IC is its
Q7 | Which of the following magazines covers only the IBM PC and its compatibles?
Q8 | UNIVAC was a first generation computer. What is its full form?
Q9 | Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?
Q10 | Which of the following is not an output device?
Q11 | Personal computers used a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?