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This set of Dot Net Architecture and Program Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Dot Net Architecture And Program Set 1

Q1 | The Visual Basic Code Editor will automatically detect certain types of errors as you are entering code.
Q2 | Keywords are also referred to as reserved words.
Q3 | The divide-and-conquer-method of problem solving breaks a problem into large, general pieces first, then refines each piece until the problem is manageable.
Q4 | Visual Basic responds to events using which of the following?
Q5 | When the user clicks a button, _________ is triggered.
Q6 | What property of controls tells the order they receive the focus when the tab key is pressed during run time?
Q7 | Sizing Handles make it very easy to resize virtually any control when developing applications with Visual Basic. When working in the Form Designer, how are these sizing handles displayed?
Q8 | The Properties window plays an important role in the development of Visual Basic applications. It is mainly used
Q9 | When creating a new application in Visual Basic, you are asked to supply a name for the program. If you do not specify a name, a default name is XXXXX XXXXX is this default name?
Q10 | Which of the properties in a control’s list of properties is used to give the control a meaningful name?
Q11 | An algorithm is defined as:
Q12 | A variable declared inside an event procedure is said to have local scope
Q13 | A variable declared outside of an event procedure is said to have class-level scope.
Q14 | Option Explicit requires you to declare every variable before its use.
Q15 | The value returned by InputBox is a string.
Q16 | What is the correct statement when declaring and assigning the value of 100 to an Integer variable called numPeople
Q17 | Which of the following arithmetic operations has the highest level of precedence?
Q18 | What value will be assigned to the numeric variable x when the following statement is executed? x = 2 + 3 * 4
Q19 | Which of the following is a valid name for a variable?
Q20 | Keywords in Visual Basic are words that
Q21 | To continue a long statement on another line, use:
Q22 | What is the proper syntax when using a message dialog box?
Q23 | What will be the output of the following statement? txtBox.Text = FormatCurrency(1234.567)
Q24 | The following lines of code are correct. If age >= 13 And < 20 Then txtOutput.Text = “You are a teenager.” End If
Q25 | Given that x = 7, y = 2, and z = 4, the following If block will display “TRUE”. If (x > y) Or (y > z) Then txtBox.Text = “TRUE” End If