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This set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Software Engineering Set 11

Q1 | Which of the following is a systematic attempt to specify threats to the project plan?
Q2 | Which risks are associated with the overall size of the software to be built or modified?
Q3 | Which risks are associated with constraints imposed by management or the marketplace?
Q4 | Computer system is a
Q5 | Object model is a
Q6 | Software engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with
Q7 | A workflow model represents
Q8 | Sensor component
Q9 | Which is the correct order ?
Q10 | Sensor component is a
Q11 | Which one is not the non-functional activity ?
Q12 | Sub system is
Q13 | System architecture model identifies
Q14 | Which one is functional component ?
Q15 | A class room in a school is a
Q16 | Floating point process is a
Q17 | Digital-analog converter that converter digital input into analog output is a
Q18 | In software system requirements, the functional requirement for the system describes
Q19 | In software system requirements, theinterface requirements are
Q20 | Validation plan describes
Q21 | Software requirement specification is
Q22 | What is Ethnography
Q23 | In Data Processing model
Q24 | In Data recording
Q25 | Thermo couple in furnace is a