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This set of DataBase Management System (DBMS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Database Management System Set 54

Q1 | Which of the following is true concerning a procedure?
Q2 | A CASE SQL statement is which of the following?
Q3 | Which of the following statements is true concerning routines and triggers?
Q4 | How many bytes does each character in the UTF8 encoding take up?
Q5 | PL/SQL has two types of subprograms, procedures and functions. Which subprogram isused to compute a value?
Q6 | Which datatype is not allowed in the definition of PL/SQL record?
Q7 | In the SQL Cursor, which attribute is TRUE when a cursor has some remaining rows to fetch, and FALSE when a cursor has no rows left to fetch?
Q8 | For which Exception, if a SELECT statement attempts to retrieve data based on its conditions, this exception is raised when no rows satisfy the SELECT criteria?
Q9 | In the PL/SQL block below, how many rows will be inserted in the messages table? DECLARE v_start_salesNUMBER := 2; v_end_sales NUMBER := 100; BEGIN FOR i IN v_start_sales..v_end_sales LOOP INSERT INTO messages(msgid) VALUES v_start_sales; END LOOP; END;
Q10 | Which collection types is also known as index-by tables, lets you look up elements Using arbitrary numbers and strings for subscript values?
Q11 | Assigning a value to a collection element can cause exceptions, such as
Q12 | Which is a procedural extension of Oracle- SQL that offers language constructs similar tothose in imperative programming languages?
Q13 | Which of the following retains duplicate rows in the result of a query or in an Aggregate expression?
Q14 | Which of the following is an aggregate function in SQL?
Q15 | Which command is used to add a column to an existing table?
Q16 | A deadlock exists in the system if and only if the wait for graph:
Q17 | Rollback of transactions is normally used to:
Q18 | The DBMS language component which can be embedded in a program is
Q19 | The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is
Q20 | A DBMS query language is designed to
Q21 | Which of the following is correct
Q22 | Which of the following is a valid SQL type?
Q23 | Which of the following is a legal expression in SQL?
Q24 | If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the primary key, then therelation will be in:
Q25 | Given the functional dependencies X →W; X→Y; Y→Z and Z→PQ Which of the following doesn’t hold well?