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This set of DataBase Management System (DBMS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Relational Database Design Set 1

Q1 | An attribute is a __________ in a relation.
Q2 | What is the method of specifying a primary key in a schema description?
Q3 | Choose the option that correctly explains in words, the function of the following relationalalgebra expression σyear≥2009 (book ⋈ borrow)
Q4 | State true or false: If a relation consists of a foreign key, then it is called a referencedrelation of the foreign key dependency.
Q5 | Statement 1: A tuple is a row in a relationStatement 2: Existence of multiple foreign keys in a same relation is possible
Q6 | Which of the following information does an SQL DDL not specify?
Q7 | Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?
Q8 | Which command is used to create a new relation in SQL
Q9 | If a1, a2, a3 are attributes in a relation and S is another relation, which of the following isan incorrect specification of an integrity constraint?
Q10 | What is the syntax to load data into the database? (Consider D as the database and a, b, cas datA:)
Q11 | Which of the following commands do we use to delete a relation (R) from a database?
Q12 | Which of the following commands do we use to delete all the tuples from a relation (R)?
Q13 | Choose the correct command to delete an attribute A from a relation R
Q14 | create table apartment(ownerID varchar (5), ownername varchar(25), floor numeric(4,0),primary key (ownerID:));Choose the correct option regarding the above statement
Q15 | What does the notnull integrity constraint do?
Q16 | Which SQL function is used to count the number of rows in a SQL query?
Q17 | Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a maximum value?
Q18 | Which of the following SQL clauses is used to DELETE tuples from a database table?
Q19 | ___________removes all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletions.
Q20 | Which of the following is not a DDL command?
Q21 | Which of the following are TCL commands?
Q22 | ________________ is not a category of SQL command.
Q23 | If you don’t specify ASC or DESC after a SQL ORDER BY clause, the following is usedby default ______________
Q24 | Which of the following statement is true?
Q25 | What is the purpose of the SQL AS clause?