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This set of Operating System (OS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Operating System Set 18

Q1 | Virtual memory allows                          
Q2 | A process is thrashing if                          
Q3 | The ability to execute a program that is only partially in memory has benefits like
Q4 | Virtual memory is normally implemented by                  
Q5 | Segment replacement algorithms are more complex than page replacement algorithms because                          
Q6 | A swapper manipulates                         whereas the pager is concerned with individual                of a process.
Q7 | Using a pager                          
Q8 | The valid – invalid bit, in this case, when valid indicates?
Q9 | A page fault occurs when?
Q10 | When a page fault occurs, the state of the interrupted process is                          
Q11 | When a process begins execution with no pages in memory?
Q12 | If the memory access time is denoted by ‘ma’ and ‘p’ is the probability of a page fault (0 <= p <= 1). Then the effective access time for a demand paged memory is
Q13 | When the page fault rate is low
Q14 | Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process
Q15 | Which of the following page replacement algorithms suffers from Belady’s Anomaly?
Q16 | In question 2, if the number of page frames is increased to 4, then the number of page transfers                          
Q17 | A memory page containing a heavily used variable that was initialized very early and is in constant use is removed, then the page replacement algorithm used is                          
Q18 | Users                that their processes are running on a paged system.
Q19 | If no frames are free,            page transfer(s) is/are required.
Q20 | A FIFO replacement algorithm associates with each page the                
Q21 | What is the Optimal page – replacement algorithm?
Q22 | LRU page – replacement algorithm associates with each page the              
Q23 | What are the two methods of the LRU page replacement policy that can be implemented in hardware?
Q24 | When using counters to implement LRU, we replace the page with the                          
Q25 | There is a set of page replacement algorithms that can never exhibit Belady’s Anomaly, called