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This set of Excel Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Excel Set 2

Q1 | What will be the answer of =DAYS360(“1-Feb-2020”, “1-Mar-2020”)?
Q2 | What will be the answer of =DATEVALUE(“1-Feb-1900”)?
Q3 | What will be the answer of =TIMEVALUE(“12:00 PM”)?
Q4 | What will be the answer of =MONTH(32)?
Q5 | What will be the answer of =DAY(32)?
Q6 | What will be the answer of =YEAR(32)?
Q7 | If cell B1 contains text MUMBAI then what will be the answer of =LOWER(B1)?
Q8 | What will be the answer of =MID(“COMMERCE”,3,2)?
Q9 | Excel formula cannot start with ____
Q10 | Which of the following is an invalid arithmetic operator?
Q11 | If cell A1 contains a number 100, then what will be the answer of =IF(A1< 200, A1+10, A1-10)?
Q12 | When we want to hide the records which are not satisfying a given condition, then we use________ command.
Q13 | We can add constraints while using __________ command.
Q14 | By default extension for template file is _______
Q15 | Excel macros can be edited using _______ editor.
Q16 | To make data interesting, attractive and easy to read and evaluate, we use ______
Q17 | _____ graph allows only one range of values.
Q18 | Gridlines are not allowed for ___ type of graphs.
Q19 | With Numeric Filters ______ operation is not allowed.
Q20 | With Text Filters _____ operation is not allowed.
Q21 | Which of the following function is invalid.