Economics Of Development Set 2

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This set of Economics of Development Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Economics Of Development Set 2

Q1 | Which growth model inspired the use of capital-output ratio for development planning?
Q2 | Which of the following models makes the assumption of constant saving-income ratio?
Q3 | The Harrod-Domar model is one of the well- known models of growth. Which of the twoauthors of this model wrote earlier and in which year?
Q4 | The concept of economic growth is __________ .
Q5 | Economic growth in India will happen necessarily if there is .
Q6 | Which of the following is inconsistent with Adam Smith’s theory of development?
Q7 | Karl Marx ideas about development theory are available in __________ .
Q8 | In Schumpeter’s theory of development maximum stress has been laid on:
Q9 | Which sector was emphasised most by Ricardo in the context of economic growth?
Q10 | Which one of the following, according to Ricardo, would form a bottleneck to economicgrowth?
Q11 | Which of the following is inconsistent with the Schumpeter's theory of development?
Q12 | According to the Schumpeter's model, the innovating entrepreneurs get the necessary financefrom__________.
Q13 | Which one of the following was given a central place by Schumpeter in his theory ofdevelopment?
Q14 | In which year was the first volume of Das Capital be Karl Marx published?
Q15 | Myrdal builds his theory of economic development around the idea of__________ .
Q16 | The concept of, Vicious Circle of Poverty’ is related to __________.
Q17 | Who formulated the theory of circular and cumulative causation which explains the perpetuation of underdevelopment through growing inequalities between developed and the underdeveloped countries?
Q18 | In the context of which region was the 'big push' strategy of development formulated?
Q19 | Which among the following is a characteristic of underdevelopment?
Q20 | Who fixes the poverty line?
Q21 | The basic logic behind the ‘big-push’ strategy of development is related to .
Q22 | Under the ‘big-push’ strategy of development, large investments are to be directed towards__________.
Q23 | The division of labour, according to Adam Smith, is limited by __________.
Q24 | The 'big-push' strategy of development was first advocated by:
Q25 | Who has given "Big Push Theory"?