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This set of Organisational Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Organisational Behaviour Set 8

Q1 | Basis of “Custodial Model of OB is
Q2 | Basis of “Supportive Model of OB is
Q3 | Basis of “Collegial Model of OB is
Q4 | Managerial orientation of “Autocratic Model” of OB is
Q5 | Managerial orientation of “Supportive Model” of OB is
Q6 | Managerial orientation of “Custodial model” of OB is
Q7 | Managerial orientation of “Collegial Model” of OB is
Q8 | Employees needs met by Autocratic Model is
Q9 | Employees needs met by Custodial Model is
Q10 | Employees needs met by Supportive Model is
Q11 | Employees needs met by Collegial Model is
Q12 | ” Person-Job fit” means
Q13 | Which of the following is not an attribute of psychological individual difference?
Q14 | Which of the following is not an attribute of physiological individual difference?
Q15 | …………is a person’s belief about his chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task
Q16 | Select the correct hierarchical order of qualities of an individual
Q17 | As per Stimulus-Response Model, input for behaviour process is
Q18 | S-O- B-A Model combines the S-R Model and
Q19 | An enduring attribute of a person that appears constantly in a variety of situation is
Q20 | Sociable, talkative, assertive etc. are features of
Q21 | Good natured, cooperative and trusting are the features of
Q22 | Responsible, dependable, persistent and achievement oriented are features of
Q23 | Imaginative, artistically sensitive etc. are features of
Q24 | Tensed, insecurity and nervousness are features of
Q25 | Some people strongly believe that each person have control of his own life. This is