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This set of Object Oriented Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Object Oriented Software Engineering Set 3

Q1 | Which of the following is incorrect in the deployment diagram
Q2 | Which of these is correct
Q3 | What is true about the artifacts
Q4 | How many diagrams are here in Unified Modelling Language
Q5 | Which UML diagram is shown below
Q6 | Which UML diagram is shown below
Q7 | Which UML diagram’s symbols are shown below
Q8 | Which UML diagram is shown below
Q9 | Which of the following statement is true
Q10 | Which of the following determines the state diagram
Q11 | Which of the following is true
Q12 | Which of the following are composite states
Q13 | Sequential composite states simplify state models in two ways
Q14 | In Unified Modeling Language, diagrams that organize system elements into groups areclassified as
Q15 | Which model in system modelling depicts the dynamic behaviour ofthe system
Q16 | Which UML diagram is shown below
Q17 | Which UML diagram is shown below
Q18 | What is the programming style of the object oriented conceptual model
Q19 | Abstraction is classified into _______ types
Q20 | The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structureand behavior is called as
Q21 | In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are fixed atcompilation time.
Q22 | In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are not knownuntil runtime
Q23 | What is that concept in type theory in which a single name may denote objects of manydifferent classes that are related by some common super class referred to ______
Q24 | Choose the incorrect statement in terms of Objects.
Q25 | What encapsulates both data and data manipulation functions