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This set of DataBase Management System (DBMS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Database Management System Set 57

Q1 | A relation between 2 set of attributes is called as
Q2 | In 1NF, the value of the attribute must be
Q3 | The process of Normalization is
Q4 | Which normal form is most desirable ?
Q5 | A functional dependency is a relationship between
Q6 | Two or more attributes that can be a key are called :
Q7 | Cartesian product in relational algebra is
Q8 | In the relational modes, cardinality is termed as:
Q9 | Relational calculus is a
Q10 | In a relational database a referential integrity constraint can be specified with the helpof
Q11 | A super key is a set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, allow us
Q12 | 4NF is designed to cope with:
Q13 | A relational database developer refers to a record as
Q14 | The relational model feature is that there
Q15 | SET concept is used in :
Q16 | Relational Algebra is