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This set of Social Research Methods Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Social Research Methods Set 3

Q1 | It provides systematic knowledge on problem and issues analysed.
Q2 | The ……… of a set of observations or scores is obtained by dividing thesum of all the values by the total number of values
Q3 | ……………….. is a measure of position rather than of magnitude.
Q4 | The most frequently occurring score in a distribution.
Q5 | ……………… provide a shorthand summary of data.
Q6 | …………… is a process of summarizing raw data and displaying them oncompact statistical tables for further analysis.
Q7 | ……… is constructed by erecting vertical lines on the limits of the classintervals marked on the base line
Q8 | ……………. are the most effective pictorial device for comparing data.
Q9 | …… is a line chart plotted on arithmetic graph paper from a cumulativefrequency distribution that may be cumulated downward or upward.
Q10 | The values are represented by identical symbol or pictures.
Q11 | A single value that represent the average characteristic of its frequencydistribution
Q12 | The extent of variability is measured by …………………
Q13 | ………… measures the difference between the highest and lowest scoresof a distribution
Q14 | Academic community is otherwise called
Q15 | ……………… is a succinct statement of the findings of the project
Q16 | ……… provides a summary of the current state of knowledge in the areaof investigation
Q17 | ………………….. is the first page of research report
Q18 | …….. is a process of checking to detect and correct errors and omissions
Q19 | ……………… is a trial test of a specific aspect of the study
Q20 | …… an abstract symbol representing an object or a certain phenomenon
Q21 | …………………. is the response to code its response
Q22 | The recording of the data is done on the basis of the scheme
Q23 | It is a process of checking to detect and correct errors and omissions
Q24 | …………….. is commonly used for presenting the sectional distribution ofany other type of simple percentage distribution
Q25 | …… is an intermediary process between data coding and data tabulation