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This set of Roots of the Modern World Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Roots Of The Modern World Set 8

Q1 | Who wrote ‘Asia and Western Dominance’
Q2 | ‘Age of Capital’ was the work of …………
Q3 | The unification of Italy is an outstanding achievement in the ………… century history ofEurope.
Q4 | The …………….Revolution of 1789 produced in Italians, a sense of nationalism.
Q5 | ………………gave the first impulse to Italian unification.
Q6 | ………………drove away the Austrians and the Bourbons at Sadova.
Q7 | Early in the 19th century, national feeling in ………….was stirred by revolutionary secretsocieties known as Carbonari
Q8 | The Carbonari wanted to overthrow foreign rule imposed by the Vienna settlement andunify……………..
Q9 | The Carbonari wanted to overthrow foreign rule imposed by the ………….settlement andunify Italy. The movement was known as Risorgimento.
Q10 | In July, 1830, when a revolution in France placed ……………….on the throne andestablished a constitutional monarch.
Q11 | To carry out his ideals, ……….established, in 1831, a movement known as “Young Italy.”
Q12 | The “Young Italy” of …………………..lit the flames of patriotism throughout Italy andhelped the cause of Italian unification.
Q13 | The Austrian army crushed the revolt at Custozza near……………
Q14 | Mazzini roused the people of the Papal States against the…………….
Q15 | The Pope was expelled from …………….and a Republic was proclaimed under acommittee of three, of which Mazzini was one.
Q16 | The Austrians defeated ………………at Navora and he abdicated in favor of his son,Victor Emmanuel II.
Q17 | The Austrians defeated Charles Albert at …………….and he abdicated in favor of hisson, Victor Emmanuel II.
Q18 | …………….., the “Bismarck” of Italy realized that without any external help, Italycould never be free.
Q19 | By a stroke of diplomatic genius, ……………offered the services of Scandinaviantroops to Napoleon III at a critical stage of the Crimean war.
Q20 | The Italians aided by Napoleon III defeated the Austrians at Magenta and Solferinoin…………..
Q21 | The Dutchies of Tuscany, Parma, Modena and Romagna expelled their despoticrulers and joined with…………..
Q22 | In 1860, the people of Naples and Sicily rose against the Bourbon King……………….
Q23 | ……………..along with his volunteers landed in Sicily and annexed the twokingdoms to Sardinia.
Q24 | ………………..himself led an army into the Papal States and defeated the Papalforces at Casgifigaria.
Q25 | In 1861, the first Italian Parliament except Rome met at …………..and conferredupon Victor Emmanuel II, the title of “King of Italy.”