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This set of Political Ideas, Concepts and Ideologies Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Political Ideas Concepts And Ideologies Set 1

Q1 | The exponent of legal theory ofRights.
Q2 | Who said, "Rights are those conditions ofsocial life without which no man seekto be himself at his best"?
Q3 | Who says,"a right is a claim recognized by societyand enforced by the state"?
Q4 | Who said, "A right is a power claimed and recognized as contributory to commongood"?
Q5 | In pre-political state of human existence, there existed:
Q6 | Who said that 'One's natural rights are one's natural power' ?
Q7 | Who wrotesthe book "the Rights of Man"?
Q8 | Rights have no validity without the recognitionof:
Q9 | According to the historical theory of rights, rights are the result of:
Q10 | Who regarded, 'life ,liberty and property as inalienablerights of men'?
Q11 | The legal theory of rights points out that rights are created by:
Q12 | The theory of social welfare was expoundedby:
Q13 | Who says, "Rights have nomeaning withoutsocial unity"?
Q14 | Who are the chief exponents ofsocial welfare theory?
Q15 | Rousseau supportsthe idealist theory of Rights on the basis of:
Q16 | According to Green, the basis of rightsis:
Q17 | Who put forward the economic theory ofrights:
Q18 | According to Marxists, rights are:
Q19 | .Right of equality before the law is :
Q20 | Right to property is a :
Q21 | The term liberty has been drawn from the Latin word………
Q22 | Who of the following was an advocate of positive liberty
Q23 | The concept of natural liberty is associated with
Q24 | Which theory deals with natural liberty.
Q25 | Who was the author of the book ‘ On Liberty’ ?