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This set of Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Methodology And Perspectives Of Social Sciences Set 21

Q1 | In 1649 …………………became the protector of England.
Q2 | The Absolutism of the Stuart Monarchy started with……………, the first Stuart king.
Q3 | James I came to power in England in ………………
Q4 | James I was followed by his son Charles I in ………………
Q5 | In order to restrict the personal rule of the King……………, the Parliament drew up the Petitionof Rights in 1628 and forced Charles to accept it .
Q6 | The ………………supporters were known as Cavaliers.
Q7 | The ……………….supporters were known as the Round Heads.
Q8 | In 1649 ……………was executed by the Parliament, monarchy was abolished and England wasdeclared a Republic under the government called the Common Wealth.
Q9 | Monarchy in England was restored in …………… with Charles II.
Q10 | George Sorel was a ………….philosopher and theorist of revolutionary Syndicalism.
Q11 | ‘Reflections on violence’ was the book of …………………
Q12 | …………….published his ‘Famous and Infamous book’ to justify the militancy and to givesyndicalism an ideology.
Q13 | Whose discovery that “Poor Laws” applied to income distribution embroiled him in politicalchange and the then Nascent Fascist movement?
Q14 | Karl Popper described ……………….as the ‘theoretician of totalitarianism’.
Q15 | Auguste Comte, the French philosopher is now regarded as the founder of the discipline -…………….
Q16 | ……………..is characterizing as the first philosopher of science.
Q17 | ……………..developed the positive philosophy.
Q18 | Marx Weber was a proponent of ………………..
Q19 | ‘The Metropolis and Mental life’ is the work of ……………….
Q20 | Vico, the ………………philosopher historian and the author of the famous work, “The NewSciences” tried to establish history on a theoretical as well as on a critical basis.
Q21 | Who is credited with the ‘Cyclical theory in history’?
Q22 | ‘Ideas for the philosophy of history of mankind’ was the work of ……………
Q23 | Though the term ‘philosophy of history’ was coined by Voltaire, it was academically elaboratedand established by ………………
Q24 | G.W. Hegel of ……………is considered as one of the greatest thinkers of the modern world.
Q25 | According to …………….‘all history is the history of thought’.