Theories And Principles Of Public Administration Set 7

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This set of Theories and Principles of Public Administration Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Theories And Principles Of Public Administration Set 7

Q1 | Select the government to business initiative:
Q2 | ------------- is a government to government initiative
Q3 | Khajane Project is an example of:
Q4 | National e-governance plan was formulated in the year:
Q5 | ------------- is an online platform to engage citizens in the task of goodgovernance.
Q6 | Advantages of e-governance are:
Q7 | ------------ is the application of ICT to the process of government functioningfor good governance.
Q8 | Who defined development administration as “a goal oriented and changeoriented administration”?
Q9 | Who is the First Finance Minister of India?
Q10 | The Right to Information Act came into force in -----------.
Q11 | Who is the First Prime Minister of India?
Q12 | Select The models of e-governance:
Q13 | Which of the following is not a demerit of decentralisation?
Q14 | Management by exception is related to:
Q15 | The role of public administration is to execute the:
Q16 | The recruitment of All India Services is the function of :
Q17 | Who is appointing authority of the chairman of the UPSC?
Q18 | The term “public” in the public administration stands for:
Q19 | Which of the following is the main cause of the scalar system?
Q20 | Karl Marx regarded bureaucracy as:
Q21 | Which among the following is empowered to create more All India Services?
Q22 | The principle of unity of command ensures:
Q23 | Who said “An organization has three elements- persons, combined efforts andcommon purpose?
Q24 | The last stage in the process of recruitment is:
Q25 | The administrative staff college of India was established: