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This set of Methodology of Research in Political Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Methodology Of Research In Political Science Set 2

Q1 | The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called
Q2 | Action research is
Q3 | The term „phenomenology‟ is associated with the process of
Q4 | Books and records are the primary sources of data in
Q5 | Fundamental research reflects the ability to
Q6 | Fieldwork-based researches are classified as
Q7 | Which of the following is not a longitudinal design?
Q8 | Which research paradigm is not much concerned about generalizing its findings?
Q9 | Conference proceedings are considered as..................documents.
Q10 | Which scientific method is a top-down or confirmatory approach?
Q11 | An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is................ .
Q12 | Which scientific method follows these steps: (i) observation/data, (ii) patterns, and (iii) theory?
Q13 | A correlational study determines
Q14 | Which of the following terms can be associated with research in social sciences?
Q15 | The qualitative research is usually
Q16 | Which of the following types of research is associated with theory generating?
Q17 | Which scientific method focuses on test in hypothesis developed from theories?
Q18 | Which scientific method focuses on generating new hypothesis and theories?
Q19 | Which research method is most appropriate if a researcher is looking for a causal relationship?
Q20 | A field experiment is one that takes place in
Q21 | Characteristics of the scientific method necessarily include
Q22 | Which of the following types of research is associated with theory testing?
Q23 | Research study that takes place over a long period of time is termed as
Q24 | A research problem is feasible only when
Q25 | The first step of research is