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This set of Introduction to Political Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Introduction To Political Theory Set 1

Q1 | Who among the following is not a Greek political thinker ?
Q2 | Who is considered as the father of Politics ?
Q3 | Plato fixed the population of an Ideal State at _____ ?
Q4 | Who used the term ‘state’ in modern sense for the first time ?
Q5 | Who among the following is not closely associated with Liberalism ?
Q6 | The main characteristics of the traditional approach of political science was ____ ?
Q7 | Which one is not an “Intellectual foundation stone” of Behaviouralism according toDavid Easton ?
Q8 | Which political scientist was responsible for the development of Behavioural approach tothe study of Political Theory ?
Q9 | The credit for developing behavioral approach for the study of Political Science goes to______ ?
Q10 | The Behaviouralist approach to the study of political science was developed as a protestagainst _____ ?
Q11 | The “Intellectual God Father of Behaviouralism” is :
Q12 | ‘ Credo of Relevance ’ is concerned with :
Q13 | Which one of the following is not relevant to Traditional Approach :
Q14 | Eight principles of Behavioural Approach of Political Science is generally known as :
Q15 | What are the twin slogansof Post- Behaviouralism?
Q16 | Which is the oldest approach to the study of Political Theory :
Q17 | Historical Approach is also known as :
Q18 | The Historical Theory of the Origin of the state was propounded by whom _____
Q19 | The term ‘ Politics ’ has been drawn from Greek word ‘Polis ’ which means :
Q20 | The book ‘Political System’ is written by ________
Q21 | The Institutional Approach concentrates on the Study of :
Q22 | The Philosophical Approach is also Known as :
Q23 | Positivism advocated by :
Q24 | When did the Post Behaviouralist Approach emerge ?
Q25 | Who among the following advocated Post-Behaviouralist approach for the first time ?