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This set of Introduction to International Relations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Introduction To International Relations Set 5

Q1 | The headquarters of SAARC is located in..........................
Q2 | United Nations Organisation The headquarters of UN Human Rights Council is in........................
Q3 | Disarmament Commission was formed by the General Assembly of the UN in theyear..................
Q4 | The first phase of Cold war was started with US military interventionin......................
Q5 | The International Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF)was signed in 1987by...............
Q6 | The first Secretary General of UNO from Africa is.............................
Q7 | The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in ....................
Q8 | The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by GeneralAssembly of the UNO in the year....................
Q9 | Author of the book „Twenty years crisis 1992-1939: An introduction toInternational Relations‟, is ………………
Q10 | UN Kyoto Protocol refers to ..................
Q11 | The major exponents of Communication Theory is ........................
Q12 | The Tashkent Agreement was signed between Lal Bhahadur Sasthri and……………..
Q13 | Palk straits lies between India and ---------------
Q14 | The country which left its stance of political neutrality and joined UN as its 190thmember:
Q15 | The present strength of UNO is........................
Q16 | The Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War.......................
Q17 | The headquarters of World Bank is in ……………..
Q18 | The world entered the nuclear age in………….37
Q19 | The book “Politics among Nations: The Struggle for power and Peace” was writtenby:
Q20 | The UN Charter was signed on..................
Q21 | The South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation was establishedin…………………
Q22 | Which leader from India played a key role in the launching of SAARC?
Q23 | Who Succeeded Mikhail Gorbachev in power?
Q24 | Who authored the work, “Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world Order”?
Q25 | The UNCTAD was found in the year.................