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This set of Environmental Politics and Human Rights Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Environmental Politics And Human Rights Set 6

Q1 | The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 further amended on………………………
Q2 | The main aim of The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 is……………………
Q3 | The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 came into force on ……………………..
Q4 | ………………… of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 deals with constitutionof Advisory Committee.
Q5 | The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in………………
Q6 | The first tier or "generation" of human rights consists of…………………..
Q7 | The first tier or "generation" of human rights derives in the …………………..
Q8 | The third generation of human rights is championed by…………………………
Q9 | ………………is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse on-site,rather than allowing it to run off.
Q10 | …………………… was the first state to make rainwater harvestingcompulsory for every building to avoid groundwater depletion.
Q11 | India borrowed the Directive Principle of State policy from……………….
Q12 | Groundwater constitutes ……………………..per cent of the world‟savailable freshwater.
Q13 | Which one of the following is not the organ of UNO?
Q14 | The Kerala State Human Right commission was formedin………………………
Q15 | The term "green liberalism" was coined by political philosopher………………………….. in his book Green Liberalism.
Q16 | Who is the author of the book “Green Liberalism: The Free and The GreenSociety”?
Q17 | Highest percentage of air consists of……………………….
Q18 | The Taj Mahal is being affected by……………..
Q19 | Most polluted river in India is………………..
Q20 | Air pollution causes……………………
Q21 | Green House gas is…………………….
Q22 | The percentage of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is………………….
Q23 | Causes pollution is/are……………………
Q24 | CNG is a……………………..
Q25 | Pollution of water is responsible for………………….