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This set of Environmental Politics and Human Rights Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Environmental Politics And Human Rights Set 1

Q1 | National Human Rights Commission is a..............................
Q2 | Who is the current chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?a. Justice
Q3 | Who can be appointed as the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?
Q4 | What is tenure of the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?
Q5 | Who of the following is not included in the Committee constituted for theappointment of the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?
Q6 | Which of the following is not the function of the National Human RightsCommission?
Q7 | Who among the following has never been appointed as the chairman of the NationalHuman Rights Commission?
Q8 | Where is the head quarter of the National Human Rights Commission?
Q9 | When changes have been made in the National Human Rights Commission Act?
Q10 | What is the legal nature of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
Q11 | Bishnoi Movement was held in ……………….
Q12 | The Bishnoi Movement held at…………………
Q13 | Who was the leader of Bishnoi Movement?
Q14 | What was the aim behind the Bishnoi Movement?
Q15 | Chipko Movement was held in ……………….
Q16 | The Chipko Movement held at…………………
Q17 | Who among the leader was not the participant of Chipko Movement?
Q18 | To protect the trees on the Himalayan slopes from the axes of contractors of theforest is the main aim of …………………………..
Q19 | United Nations Environment Programme was established in…………………
Q20 | Silent Vally Movement was held in ……………….
Q21 | Silent Vally Movement held at…………………
Q22 | Who among the leader was a participant of Silent Vally Movement?
Q23 | What was the main aim behind the Silent Vally Movement?
Q24 | Narmada Bachao Andholan was held in ……………….
Q25 | The river Narmada is flowing through………….