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This set of Comparative Politics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Comparative Politics Set 5

Q1 | An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:
Q2 | Which one of the following countries possess an evolved constitution?
Q3 | The exponents of Elitist theory believe in:
Q4 | Who among the following tried to combine the Elitist theory with Marxism?
Q5 | The exponents of Elitist theory hold that the power is always concentrated in the hands of:
Q6 | Who among the following advocated the concept of circulation of Elites?
Q7 | Who gave the concept of “Iron law of Oligarchy”?
Q8 | The constitution of the Fifth Republic was promulgated on:
Q9 | The constitution of Fifth Republic Consist of :
Q10 | France has:
Q11 | The French Parliament is a:
Q12 | The term of French National assembly is:
Q13 | The first President of France under the constitution of Fifth republic:
Q14 | The French legal and judicial system bears the imprint of_________
Q15 | Communist Party rule was started in China in the year _____
Q16 | The famous French Revaluation was in the year________
Q17 | Who was the undisputed leader of Cultural Revolution?
Q18 | Who authored the book “ Politics of Modernisation”?
Q19 | Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as an indicator of modernization?
Q20 | The Marxian theory of development was greatly influenced by
Q21 | According to Edward Shills the political development should be measured on the basis of:
Q22 | Who among the following linked political development with administrative development?
Q23 | The political culture of a country is moulded by its:
Q24 | The political culture of a society is symbolised by its:
Q25 | Whichamong the following country is associated with “the spoil system”?