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This set of An Introduction to Political Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on An Introduction To Political Science Set 9

Q1 | The idea of ‘reverse discrimination’ implies:
Q2 | Who among the following holds the view that right are those conditions of social life withoutwhich man cannot be his best self?
Q3 | Who among the following opines that a right is a power clamined and recognized ascontributory to common good?
Q4 | In their essence rights are:
Q5 | Who among the following held the view that right is man’s capacity of influencing the acts ofanother by means of the opinion and force of society?
Q6 | The work Law and Rights is authored by:
Q7 | Rights are broadly divided into three categories: natural rights, moral rights and legal rights
Q8 | Which of the following is the use to which the term ‘liberty’ can be put?
Q9 | Inequality in society was supported by:
Q10 | In the nineteenth century, a vigorous demand for socio –econimic equality was raised by:
Q11 | The work liberty, Equality, Fraternity is authored by:
Q12 | Legal equality implies:
Q13 | Justice is a dynamic idea because
Q14 | The earliest concept of justice in Greek thought is found to be in the writings of
Q15 | The concept of positive law is
Q16 | Who has termed social consciousness is modern consciousness in the context of thedetermination of the meaning of justice?
Q17 | Legal justice is broadly applied in the context of :
Q18 | Who among the following viewed that justice consisted in an efficient administration of lawand it should not be tested on some imaginary moral values?
Q19 | Democratic or political participation is the hall mark of democracy and
Q20 | In the long run broadened participation is a variable of :
Q21 | The book India’s Development Experience is authored by:
Q22 | The system which enables the majority of a constituency in Switzerland to call back their representative from his office if they are not satisfied with his office and if they are notsatisfied with his work is:
Q23 | The work ideology and Utopia is authored by:
Q24 | Who among the following insists on the ‘mono-national state’ as a condition of successfuldemocracy?
Q25 | The “iron law of oligarchy” was propounded by: