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This set of An Introduction to Political Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on An Introduction To Political Science Set 4

Q1 | Who introduced the concept of negative and positive rights?
Q2 | Social justice is primarily concerned with
Q3 | Equality of opportunity means
Q4 | Who among the following described democracy as the ‘tyranny of the majority?
Q5 | Who among the following advocated party less democracy in India?
Q6 | What did Gandhiji mean by Swaraj?
Q7 | Who among the following theorists advocated participatory democracy?
Q8 | Which of the following does not lead to the spread of democracy?
Q9 | Participatory democracy calls for:
Q10 | The advocates of deliberative democracy emphasize
Q11 | The Communist manifesto was first published in
Q12 | According to David Easton, the main function of government is to:
Q13 | The term ‘politics’ was derived from two words ‘polis’ and ‘polity’ in which language
Q14 | Who defined politics as “the authoritative allocation of values that are binding on thesociety?”
Q15 | Who contributed the work ‘the Politics’?
Q16 | The development of Political Science as a discipline can be traced back to
Q17 | Who was the first proponent of scientific study of Politics?
Q18 | Who said this , ‘behavioural approach is a protest movement within politics science andmake the empirical component more rigorous’
Q19 | Eighth principles of the behavioural approach of political science generally known as
Q20 | Who wrote the book ‘Four Essays on Liberty’?
Q21 | Who was the most ardent advocate of Post Behaviouralism?
Q22 | The strong demands of Post behaviouralists are
Q23 | Historical materialism is one of the tools in
Q24 | Whose work is Lecturers on Jurisprudence”?
Q25 | Who wrote the work “Representative Government”?