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This set of An Introduction to Political Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on An Introduction To Political Science Set 3

Q1 | Whose work is “Human Nature in Politics”
Q2 | Who wrote “New Aspects of Politis”
Q3 | Who wrote “The Political System”
Q4 | ‘It is better to be vague than irrelevant’. This statement explains the following
Q5 | Who introduced the concept of natural rights?
Q6 | Legal theory of right was propounded by
Q7 | Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?
Q8 | Parliamentary form of government first involved in
Q9 | India has adopted Rule of Law on the pattern of
Q10 | A direct vote on a law in which the entire electorate can participate is known as ”?
Q11 | Participation is an important element of every
Q12 | Which act is considered the watch dog of democracy?
Q13 | According to Marx 'the Dictatorship of the proletariat' signifies?
Q14 | Who among the following first developed the concept of General System theory
Q15 | Structural functionalism as a method was developed to study the politics of
Q16 | Who wrote the book ‘Comparative Politics: A Development Approach
Q17 | Who wrote “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign
Q18 | Gandhi describe himself as a
Q19 | According to Aristotle, democracy is
Q20 | The term ‘lag’ denotes
Q21 | Power is the capacity to
Q22 | Who wrote the work ‘A Preface to Democratic Theory’?
Q23 | The most essential principle of liberalism is
Q24 | Socialism is:
Q25 | Who said Politics is about 'who gets what, when and how'?