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This set of An Introduction to Political Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on An Introduction To Political Science Set 18

Q1 | In Presidential system is the ……………
Q2 | One organ of government act as a check on the power of the other organ is doctrineof…………..
Q3 | Chief merit of presidential system is its …………
Q4 | System which is considered suitable for dealing with emergencies
Q5 | Origin of party system is connected with which country
Q6 | Political parties of the modern kind first emerged in ………………..
Q7 | Which is not a feature of political party
Q8 | Political parties may be formed on the basis of………….
Q9 | Political parties ……………. the political process.
Q10 | Which is not a function of political party
Q11 | Single party system exist in ………..
Q12 | One party rule is generally associated with ……………..
Q13 | One party dominates the politics and administration of a country
Q14 | Italy under Mussolini was an example of……………
Q15 | Great merit of one party system is its ………………..
Q16 | Single party systems are ………….
Q17 | Single party systems ………….
Q18 | Bi-party system exists in …………….
Q19 | Bi-party system means
Q20 | In USA the two major parties are the Republican Party and the……………….
Q21 | The two major parties in UK are the Conservative Party and the……………
Q22 | Multi-party system exists in ………………
Q23 | Multi-party system does not exist in ……………….
Q24 | Which system is considered more democratic
Q25 | Main drawback of multiparty systems is its ………………….