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This set of Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Western Philosophy Set 4

Q1 | The highest ideal according to Socrates is -----
Q2 | Concept means ------
Q3 | The mentor of Aristotle is ---
Q4 | Who was the founder of Academy?
Q5 | Apology is the famous work of ---------
Q6 | The concepts lies in the transcendental world is the philosophy of --------
Q7 | Who distinguished knowledge and doxa?
Q8 | The theory of forms/ideas/concepts/essences is the Philosophy of -------
Q9 | Plato wrote ------ dialogues
Q10 | Who wrote Theaetetus?
Q11 | Who said that true knowledge lies in conceptual level?
Q12 | ------stated that the best possible political system (state) will be ruled byphilosophers.
Q13 | Whose philosophy is that one who knows the difference betweenknowledge, ignorance, and opinion
Q14 | The perceptible world (i.e., the world we perceive through our senses) isa reflection or copy of that higher intelligible world is the philosophy of ------
Q15 | The Greek word for ?forms? in Plato is ---------
Q16 | Plato divided human soul into -------parts
Q17 | Plato?s Theory of Ideas was severely criticized by -------
Q18 | Plato admit the immortality of soul in his ---- dialogue
Q19 | ----------is a philosopher who was born at Stagira
Q20 | Which of the following philosopher who taught Alexander, the Great
Q21 | Which thinker who went to Athens and joined Plato?s Academy.
Q22 | The works of------ are divided into two types-exoteric and esoteric.
Q23 | Who wrote the famous work the Metaphysics?
Q24 | Who defined substance is something that we can point out as ?this?
Q25 | Who made the statement that Universals are extremely real but are notseparable from their particulars.