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This set of Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Western Philosophy Set 3

Q1 | Who said that everything is a mixture of earth, air, fire, and water
Q2 | ------- philosopher is the main source of Anaxagoras
Q3 | -----gave a power and grandeur to Athenian Democracy
Q4 | -- --is an important element introduced by Anaxagoras into hisphilosophy and it is the cause of motion.
Q5 | The atomists are the last pre-Socratics and they follow------
Q6 | The word atom means ----
Q7 | ------is believed to be a disciple of Leucippus
Q8 | ------ say that all things consist of a single kind of matter broken intotiny particles.
Q9 | Who claimed that there are two fundamental types of elements: atomsand void.
Q10 | Who held that the atoms were so small as to be invisible?
Q11 | Sophia which means -----
Q12 | Protagoras a native of --------in northeast Greece
Q13 | Who was the first of the professional Sophists?
Q14 | Who said that instead of speaking well think well?
Q15 | Truth and On the Gods are the woks of -------
Q16 | ------ were more concerned with public speaking, rather than thinkingwell.
Q17 | Man is the measure of all things, says -----
Q18 | Maieutic means -----
Q19 | --- ?says that knowledge is an adjustment between the knower and theobject known
Q20 | -----was known as a self- taught philosopher
Q21 | Who was known as the street genius philosopher?
Q22 | Who was the author of philosophic tendency and of a Philosophicmethod of irony?
Q23 | Who said that the first step is to be wise is to admit that one is not wise.
Q24 | According to ------, knowledge is virtue and ignorance is vice
Q25 | Who said that as virtue is knowledge, so virtue can be thought?