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This set of Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Western Philosophy Set 2

Q1 | Aristotle mentioned theory of truth in his work------
Q2 | For Plato, ---- are eternal ideas beyond the physical world.
Q3 | Who wrote Symposium?
Q4 | Aristotle was a student of ---
Q5 | Who founded a school in Athens called Lyceum.
Q6 | ?There is no form without matter and no matter without form.?
Q7 | Matter is the substance out of which everything in the world is made isthe statement of -----
Q8 | Who discovered four causes that govern change in everything?
Q9 | Who believed that God created the world out of nothing and before Godcreated the world nothing existed?
Q10 | The City of God is the work of ----
Q11 | ------- predicted an eclipse of the sun
Q12 | Who was the first Milesian materialist philosopher?
Q13 | The major source of Thales?s philosophy is by
Q14 | Who said that living things are always moist?
Q15 | Anaximander belongs to --------
Q16 | Anaximander, a philosopher came after ------
Q17 | apeiron in Anaximander means -----
Q18 | Anaximander's cosmogony gives rise to a
Q19 | Who said that in the beginning man was similar to a different animal,namely, a fish.
Q20 | The thinkers of Milesian school were the thinkers of ------
Q21 | Pythagoras was born on-------
Q22 | Who believed in the immortality, transmigration, and reincarnation ofsouls?
Q23 | Who included various dietary restrictions against meat and beans.
Q24 | Central to Pythagoreanism is the idea that --------- accounts takeprecedence over material things.
Q25 | ------is a Philosopher who made a distinction between mind and matter