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This set of Traditional Logic Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Traditional Logic Set 9

Q1 | The function of suggesting qualities possessed by the objects is known as_______.
Q2 | Connotation is the same as _______.
Q3 | In a categorical proposition the predicate is either affirmed or denied_______ of the subject
Q4 | The proposition “if you work hard you will succeed “ – is an example for_______ proposition.
Q5 | Affirmative or Negative is the classification of propositions on the basis of_________.
Q6 | Universal or Particular is the classification of the propositions on the basisof _______.
Q7 | The quantity of a proposition is determined by the __________ of thesubject.
Q8 | A proposition in which the predicate refers to all individual objects denotedby the subject is called
Q9 | A proposition in which the predicate belongs only to a part of the denotationof the subject is called
Q10 | Individual propositions are to be regarded as___________.
Q11 | That proposition in which the quantity of the subject is not stated clearly butleft vague is called______________.
Q12 | The proposition: “ All men are mortal.”- is an example for____________proposition.
Q13 | The proposition: “ No men are perfect”.- is an example for __________proposition.
Q14 | The proposition: “ Some flowers are red “ – is an example for _________proposition.
Q15 | The proposition: “ Some Indians are not religious”- is an example for______ proposition.
Q16 | When a term is used in its entire extent referring to to the objects denoted bythe term, that term is said to be___________.
Q17 | When a term refers only to part the class of things denoted by the term, thatterm is said to be____________
Q18 | Universal affirmative proposition distributes _________.
Q19 | Universal negative proposition distributes___________.
Q20 | Particular affirmative proposition distributes _________.
Q21 | Particular negative proposition distributes __________.
Q22 | The process of passing directly from a single proposition to a conclusion is
Q23 | _____________ asserts the agreement or disagreement of a subject andpredicate after having compared each with middle term.
Q24 | Opposition is a ___________ inference.
Q25 | Education is a ___________ inference.