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This set of Traditional Logic Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Traditional Logic Set 4

Q1 | Distribution of terms Is based on
Q2 | When a term is used in its entire extend referring to all objects denoted by thatterm, it is said to be
Q3 | ‘E’ proposition distributes
Q4 | ‘I’ proposition distributes
Q5 | ‘O’ proposition distributes
Q6 | Name the Logician who illustrated distribution of terms in A,E,I & O propositions through Venn Diagram
Q7 | Proposition affirms or denies the relation between
Q8 | The Inference in which a conclusion is derived from one premise
Q9 | The Inference in which a conclusion is derived from two premises
Q10 | Syllogism is a
Q11 | In Immediate Proposition, there are ------------ propositions
Q12 | Which one among the following is not an immediate Inference
Q13 | Which one of the following is not an Opposition
Q14 | Which Opposition states the relation between A& I and E& O
Q15 | A syllogism consist of -------- terms
Q16 | A syllogism consist of -------------- propositions
Q17 | The Predicate of the conclusion in a Syllogism is called
Q18 | The Subject of the conclusion in a Syllogism is called
Q19 | The term which present only in the premises and not in the conclusion of a Syllogism is called
Q20 | Which among the following is not a proposition of a Syllogism
Q21 | Logical error is called
Q22 | Which among the following is a Fallcy of Illicit
Q23 | A Syllogism which contains both categorical and Conditional propositions is called
Q24 | Which among the following is not a mixed Syllogism
Q25 | Modus ponens is a