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This set of Traditional Logic Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Traditional Logic Set 2

Q1 | Two or more simple propositions joined together forms
Q2 | A compound proposition in which simple propositions are combined using ‘And’is called
Q3 | The composite proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple propositions using ‘Either…Or’ is called
Q4 | The composite proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple propositions using ‘If….Then’ is called
Q5 | The ‘IF’ part in a Hypothetical proposition is called
Q6 | . The ‘THEN’ part in a Hypothetical proposition is called
Q7 | A proposition which states the relation between two terms based on somecondition is called
Q8 | Which one among the following is not a Conditional proposition
Q9 | The propostion which does not contain any other component or part is called
Q10 | Verbal expression of Judgement is called
Q11 | Which among the following is not a Normative Science
Q12 | A Normative Science deals with
Q13 | A Positive Science is ------------------ in nature
Q14 | The knowledge derived through sense experience is called
Q15 | The process of deriving a new truth from one or more known truths is called
Q16 | The fundamental aim of Logic is
Q17 | The Proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple proposition iscalled
Q18 | The portion of Logic which deals with Form of Thought is called
Q19 | The portion of Logic which deals with Matter of Thought is called
Q20 | The Argument in which an Universal conclusion is derived from ParticularPremisses is
Q21 | The Argument in which a Particular conclusion is derived from Universal Premisses is
Q22 | Logically correct argument is called
Q23 | Logically incorrect argument is called
Q24 | Argument containing true premises and false conclusion is called
Q25 | Which among the following is not considered as a Law of Thought