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This set of Systems of indian Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Systems Of Indian Philosophy Set 6

Q1 | Who among the following is the author of ‘VaiseshikaSutra’
Q2 | Who wrote ‘VaiseshikaBhashya’
Q3 | Which among the following is not a characteristic feature of Nyaya Vaiseshikasyste
Q4 | Means of Valid Knowledge is
Q5 | Which among the following Pramanas is not accepted by Nyaya
Q6 | Direct and immediate knowledge obtained through the contact between object and sense organs is
Q7 | The first stage of Perception is called
Q8 | The second stage of Perception is called
Q9 | Perception within the limits of sense organs is called
Q10 | Perception beyond the limits of sense organs is called
Q11 | Mediate and indirect knowledge obtained through previous perception is called
Q12 | Establishment of Unversal relation between two inseparable objects is called
Q13 | The first step in the Nyaya Syllogism is called
Q14 | Which among the following is not a step in Nyaya Syllogism
Q15 | How many steps are there in Nyaya Syllogism
Q16 | Valid knowledge obtained through the utternces of a trustworthy person is called
Q17 | Mediate and indirect knowledge derived from the similarity between two objects is
Q18 | How many categories are there according to Vaiseshika
Q19 | Which one among the following is not a category of VaiseshiksSystem
Q20 | According to Vaiseshika, material cause of this Universe is
Q21 | How many substances are there according to Vaiseshika
Q22 | Which among the following is not a substance according to Vaiseshika
Q23 | Which one among the following is not atomic in nature according to Vaiseshika130.
Q24 | Which among the following is a spiritual substance
Q25 | According to Vaiseshika, the seat of knowledge is