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This set of Systems of indian Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Systems Of Indian Philosophy Set 16

Q1 | In Buddhism, the means to attain Nirvana is known as
Q2 | Which among the following expresses the triratna in Buddhism
Q3 | Buddha’s theory regarding the self is known as
Q4 | Pratitya samutpada is also known as
Q5 | Who among the following hold the view of ethical idealism
Q6 | Gautama Buddha is the profounder of
Q7 | The metaphysics of Jainism rests on the following external categories
Q8 | According to Sankhya, Prakrti in its precreative state is
Q9 | According to Sankhya, Purusa is
Q10 | The ideal of yoga is
Q11 | Padartha literally means
Q12 | Sankara suggests that from the phenomenal point of view the world is
Q13 | Patanjali yoga is also known as
Q14 | Which is the most important pramana for Mimamsakas?
Q15 | In Nyaya syllogism paksadharmata means relationship between
Q16 | In --------------- perception the object is conveyed to sense through anunusual medium.
Q17 | Samanya laksana comes under
Q18 | Brahman, according to visistadvaita is
Q19 | Aparthak-siddhi –sambanda is accepted by
Q20 | Knowledge resulting from the employment of upamana is known as
Q21 | How many pramanas are accepted by nyaya
Q22 | Nirvikalpa pratyaksa, according to Nyaya presents
Q23 | According to Nyaya, which kind of inference is based on mere co existence
Q24 | Which among the following anumana are based on causation
Q25 | Which among the following means of knowledge is produced by theknowledge of resemblance or similarity