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This set of Systems of indian Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Systems Of Indian Philosophy Set 11

Q1 | The author of the Mimamsa Sutra is ____________.
Q2 | Nyaya theory of error is known as _________.
Q3 | The Mimamasakas recognize only _________ members of a syllogism.
Q4 | Ramanuja’s theory of creation is known as _________Vada.
Q5 | The philosophical position of Madhvacarya is _____________.
Q6 | The Vaisesika classified substance into ________.
Q7 | Non-Existence, according to Vaisesika, is of _________ kinds.
Q8 | Nyaya accepts ________number of pramanas as the valid source of knowledge.
Q9 | Mahavratas refer to the ethical discipline of _________.
Q10 | In classical Indian philosophy, _________ did not accept the existence of the self.
Q11 | The unitary theory of self in Indian philosophy is held by ________.
Q12 | Self, according to Samkara, is _________.
Q13 | ___________ school in Indian philosophy rejected the theory of spiritual liberation.
Q14 | The Self in Samkhya philosophy is known as __________.
Q15 | The theory that the effect is the real modification of the cause is termed_________Vada.
Q16 | Vivartavada was propounded by __________.
Q17 | The knowledge based on the reliable statement of scripture is known as __________.
Q18 | Consciousness, according to Vaisesika philosophy, is an_______ quality of theself.
Q19 | The atomic theory in Indian philosophy was developed by __________.
Q20 | The Vaisesika philosophy is __________.
Q21 | According to Vaisesika, Karma is of __________ kinds.
Q22 | In Advaita philosophy, _________ is conceived as neither real nor unreal.
Q23 | The negative expression ‘neti, neti’ defines __________.
Q24 | The invariable association of the middle term with the major term is called
Q25 | Relativity in knowledge is accepted by _________ system of Indian philosophy.