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This set of Symbolic Logic Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Symbolic Logic Set 11

Q1 | The rule of Absorption (Abs) is symbolized as
Q2 | The rule of Simplification (Simp) is symbolized as
Q3 | The rule of Addition is symbolized as
Q4 | The rule of Conjunction (Conj) is symbolized as
Q5 | Name the rule of inference P . Q) ≡ P V Q)
Q6 | Name the rule of inference p v q ) ≡ q v p )
Q7 | Name the rule of inference[ p v q v r ) ] ≡ [ p v q ) v r ]
Q8 | Name the rule of inference[ p . q v r ) ] ≡ [ p . q ) v p. r) ]
Q9 | Name the rule of inferenceP ≡ p
Q10 | Name the rule of inference( P Ͻ q ) ≡ Q Ͻ P )
Q11 | Name the rule of inference( P Ͻ q ) ≡ P v q )
Q12 | Name the rule of inference P ≡ q ) ≡ [ p Ͻ q ) . ( q Ͻ p ) ]
Q13 | Name the rule of inference[ (P . Q ) Ͻ r ) ] ≡ [ p Ͻ ( q Ͻ r ) ]
Q14 | Name the rule of inference P V Q) ≡ P . Q )
Q15 | Name the rule of inference p . q ) ≡ q . p )
Q16 | Name the rule of inference[ p . q . r ) ] ≡ [ p . q ) . r ]
Q17 | Name the rule of inference P ≡ q ) ≡ [ p . q ) v P . Q ) ]
Q18 | Name the rule of inferencep ≡ p . p )
Q19 | The process of obtaining a proposition from a propositional function bysubstituting a constant for a variable is called …………………………………
Q20 | General propositions can be regarded as resulting from propositional functionsby a process called
Q21 | The phrase ‘Given any x’ is called …………………………………….
Q22 | Universal quantifier is symbolized as …………
Q23 | The phrase ‘ there is at least one x such that’ is called ………………………………
Q24 | An ‘existential quantifier’ is symbolized as ,