Recent Developments In Western Philosophy Set 2

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This set of Recent Developments in Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Recent Developments In Western Philosophy Set 2

Q1 | According to Russell the method of philosophy must be:
Q2 | To Wittgenstein, the philosophical problems are not problems but they are:
Q3 | . ‘Philosophical problems arises where language goes n a holiday’. Who made thisstatement?
Q4 | Wittgenstein describes, philosophy is not a doctrine but:
Q5 | According to Wittgenstein, proposition --------------------- the reality.
Q6 | In Wittgenstein’s view, elementary proposition corresponds to the:
Q7 | Fregean theory of meaning is called:
Q8 | Who wrote Begriffsschrift?
Q9 | Who is treated as the founder of Analytical philosophy?
Q10 | “Morning star is Evening star”. This statement is related with Frege’ notion of:
Q11 | The concept ‘intentionality’ is introduced by:
Q12 | The psychological acts like perceiving, believing, evaluating, remembering, etc. arecalled as------------------ by Husserl.
Q13 | Which one among the following is not a character of Existentialism?
Q14 | Who coined the term Existentialism?
Q15 | Method of reduction is related with: