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This set of Philosophical Methods Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Philosophical Methods Set 4

Q1 | The work ‘Theatetus’ is attributed to:
Q2 | The problem of universals was first introduced into philosophy by
Q3 | In the ........ Plato seeks the definition of Courage
Q4 | Who takes dialectics as an argumentative process?
Q5 | For -------everything was continually changing into its opposite.
Q6 | Which among the following is the feature of dialectics?
Q7 | A method for understanding reality by the triadic movement from thesis to antithesis to synthesis
Q8 | Whose method is known as art of intellectual midwifery?
Q9 | To bring to light on knowledge which the mind already possesses is known as:
Q10 | Which are the characteristics of Socratic dialectic?
Q11 | Whose method is the synthesis of opposites?
Q12 | Who is the author of the book Critique of Pure Reason?
Q13 | Who draws limits to the extent of knowledge?
Q14 | For-----, dialectic is the process of the logical development of thought and reality through thesis and antithesis into a synthesis.
Q15 | There is the final movement in which the spirit reduces Nature to the inwardness, which the spirit itself is. Only at this stage the spirit rises to self consciousness in man. According to Hegel spirit rises to self consciousness in man. According to Hegel this stage is -----
Q16 | The key motion of Hegel is ------
Q17 | For Hegel, Idea means
Q18 | According to the Absolute Idealism of Hegel.
Q19 | ------, in Hegel’s dialectic, means to resolve into a higher unity or to bring into the wholeness that which is fragmentary.
Q20 | ..... is the author of an all-embracing system of dialectical idealism
Q21 | According to Hegel, there are three stages in the logical development of spirit: subjective mind, objective mind and ......
Q22 | ---- method, which is the proper method of philosophy, according to Hegel, is determined by the subject matter of philosophy itself.
Q23 | According to ......., real is rational and rational is real
Q24 | Who introduced triad of thesis, antithesis and synthesis into German philosophy for the first time?
Q25 | Who criticizes the Hegelian concept of dialectical triad and says that dialectic does not necessarily involve the identity of opposites?