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This set of Modern Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Modern Western Philosophy Set 7

Q1 | Locke and Berkeley belong to -------- school
Q2 | Who among the following is considered as the Subjective Idealist?
Q3 | Psycho physical parallelism is a theory of-----
Q4 | ---- is a mind body theory of Descartes
Q5 | According to Kant --------- judgments are always apriori
Q6 | ‘Real is Rational, Rational is Real’ is the concept of----------
Q7 | ------ is not a secondary quality according to Locke
Q8 | ‘All our reasoning about causality is derived from nothing but custom’. This relates to-----
Q9 | ----------- is the view that God is the immanent principle of universe
Q10 | Theory of Pre-established harmony is postulated by
Q11 | According to Kant , knowledge begins with sense, proceeds thenceto ----- and ends in ----------
Q12 | The key notion of Hegel is
Q13 | For Hegel, Idea means -----
Q14 | . Which among the following is not included under the Berkeley’s classification of sprit?
Q15 | --------- defines monads as Centres of force or energy
Q16 | According to -----, monads are windowless
Q17 | Locke believes that there ----- innate ideas in the mind
Q18 | According to ----- the idea of substance is a complex idea
Q19 | Berkeley is --------
Q20 | According to Leibniz the monads are ------ and everything is potential or implicit in it
Q21 | Locke suggests that the idea of substance is a ---idea
Q22 | Berkeley claims that, all things of the world are the ideas of the -----
Q23 | Locke suggests that the ideas are of two types, simple and -----
Q24 | ’Reason must approach the nature not as a pupil but as a judge’ is the view of -----
Q25 | Locke has divided the qualities of things into ----- and -----