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This set of Modern Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Modern Western Philosophy Set 6

Q1 | ‘A good clockmaker can construct two clocks which will keep such perfect time that theyfor ever strike the hours at the same moment.’ This position is acceptable to :
Q2 | Who says that space and time are empirically real but transcendentally ideal?
Q3 | The Philosopher who is associated with the Law of Sufficient Reason:
Q4 | Who said that the relation between cause and effect is not logical, but only psychological?
Q5 | Who among the following rejected matter as an abstract idea
Q6 | Locke and Berkeley belong to ------- school
Q7 | The key notion of Hegel is-----
Q8 | ------------ claims substance as ‘one and infinite’
Q9 | The rationalist philosopher ----- wants to give philosophy a stable character like mathematics
Q10 | According to Kant ----------judgments are always aposteriori
Q11 | The rationalist philosopherDescartes whowants to give philosophy stable characters like--------
Q12 | The view that ‘God as both naturanaturansandnatura naturata is maintained by
Q13 | Descartes suggests---- as absolute substance
Q14 | The philosopher that distinguishes between ‘matters of fact’ and ‘association of ideas’ is:
Q15 | Locke suggests that the idea of substance is
Q16 | The ideas imprinted on the senses by God are called real things according to :
Q17 | The entire universe is mirrored in each unit of the substance except for the difference thatit is mirrored only slightly differently from unit to unit.’ This position is acceptable to
Q18 | According to ------- God is regarded as the only cause and bearer of all qualities
Q19 | ------ thinks that substance is to be defined by active force
Q20 | ------ admits innumerable monads or spiritual atoms
Q21 | As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensationor ---------
Q22 | The Critique of Pure Reason is really a treatise on ----- with special reference toscience
Q23 | According to the Absolute Idealism of Hegel, there -----
Q24 | Kant has called his epistemological enquiry as -----
Q25 | ----- is not a Rationalist