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This set of Modern Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Modern Western Philosophy Set 16

Q1 | John Locke rejected the concept of:
Q2 | There must be an unknown and unknowable substratum which supports the existence of ………..qualities
Q3 | The secondary properties of substance are known as ………….
Q4 | Which one of the following according to Locke is correct description of substance?
Q5 | Locke suggests that mind knows directly the ……. and not the objects themselves.
Q6 | Which one of the following according to Locke justifies the distinction between primary andsecondary qualities?
Q7 | John Locke has divided the qualities of things into ……… and ……..
Q8 | As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensation or …….
Q9 | Which one of the following is true of Locke’s view of substance?
Q10 | Which one of the following arguments is advance by Locke for the rejection of innate ideas?
Q11 | Which one of the following is the correct definition of secondary qualities, according to Locke?
Q12 | Which among the following is NOT Locke’ view of ideas
Q13 | An example for secondary quality
Q14 | An example for primary quality
Q15 | A …………. is one which ‘being in itself uncompounded, contains in it nothing but one uniformappearance or conception in the mind and is no distinguishable into different ideas’. In other words it is an unanalyzable simple datum of knowledge.
Q16 | Empiricism is the epistemological theory that the only source of knowledge about the externalworld is
Q17 | The philosophical position of Berkeley is known as:
Q18 | ‘To be is to be perceived’ according to:
Q19 | Who claims that only mind and their ideas exist
Q20 | Berkeley asserts that existing and perceiving are
Q21 | Berkeley insists that heat and cold are …..
Q22 | What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied theexistence of matter?
Q23 | What was Berkeley’s explanation for the fact that things like rocks and trees seem to continueto exist even when humans don’t perceive them?
Q24 | Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because
Q25 | As all beings are particular things, so all ideas are particular ideas, is said by