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This set of Modern Western Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Modern Western Philosophy Set 1

Q1 | ---------- is considered as the father of modern philosophy
Q2 | According to, -------- experience is the only source of knowledge
Q3 | Who has said that mind has innate ideas
Q4 | ‘Meditations’ is the work of------
Q5 | Who among the following is a representative of Rationalism?
Q6 | Interactionism is the Mind body theory of --------
Q7 | Who among the following is not a German Philosopher?
Q8 | ------ is not a representative of Rationalism
Q9 | John Locke is -----Philosopher
Q10 | Generally the rise of modern Philosophy had been marked by----------
Q11 | Leibniz defines substance or monads as
Q12 | As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensationor
Q13 | Who among the following is a French Philosopher
Q14 | Who introduced the concept ‘Cogito ergosum’
Q15 | ‘Monadology’ is the work of-------
Q16 | Who among the following is a German philosopher
Q17 | ------------ is an Idealist philosopher
Q18 | Whose ideal is ‘Real is Rational, Rational isReal’
Q19 | Who among the following propounded the theory of Psycho physicalparallelism
Q20 | ------ developed his philosophy on the foundation laid byFichte
Q21 | Who is considered as the founder of Rationalism
Q22 | Which one of the following is not a work of Kant?
Q23 | Who among the following is the author of ‘Monadology’
Q24 | According to Descartes-----------as an absolute substance
Q25 | The rationalism of--------is heightened by Spinoza