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This set of Methodology of Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Methodology Of Philosophy Set 2

Q1 | Chintana prakriya means
Q2 | Style means
Q3 | An argument expressed or claimed to be expressible in the form of two propositions called the premises , containing a common or middle term , with a third proposition called the conclusion resulting necessarily from the other two, is called
Q4 | According to Wittgenstein, syllogism is
Q5 | Art is concerned with practice, while method is a process of
Q6 | A person’s style of doing is called
Q7 | -----------------is a mode of action
Q8 | Logico-mathematical method is called
Q9 | ---------------------is an example of pure philosophical method
Q10 | “A philosophical system claims uniformity of method, but a truly philosophical spirit will rather aim at flexibility”. This statement is by
Q11 | --------------considered as the starting points of mathematical method.
Q12 | Spinoza’s method is known as
Q13 | What is the name of book in which Descartes stated his four rules of method?
Q14 | Descartes considered -----------and -----------as the two criteria of true knowledge.
Q15 | Descartes himself refuted ------------- as a philosophical method.
Q16 | Immanuel Kant’s method is known as
Q17 | The term ‘a priori’ means
Q18 | “---------------------------------” constitutes a definite and self-evident starting point for the Cartesian philosophy.
Q19 | Descartes says that when deduction is ’complex and involved’ it may be termed -------
Q20 | According to Kant dogmatism has two forms viz. rationalism and --------------.
Q21 | To attain certainty and clarity in philosophy many philosophers recommended
Q22 | The method which employs a long series of definitions, postulates, axioms, theorems and problems.
Q23 | In the mathematical method we deduce other principles and propositions from --------
Q24 | Mathematics is a body of certain and-------------------------------- truths.
Q25 | Who gave primacy to intuition?